About Beans

Birthday: 04-04-2021

Color: Black

Breed: Unknown

Weight: 12lbs

Height: 11” at the withers

Beans is a stupid little cat who has no sense of self preservation.

I found him in a car engine when he was approximately 6-8 weeks old. I didn’t plan on keeping him, but he stayed and is mine now.

A black cat with light green eyes lays on a dark counter with a light wall behind him. he is looking straight at the camera with his eyes wide open.

Frequently Asked Questions About Beans:

  • What breed is he?

    • Who knows, your guess is as good as mine.

  • Is he friendly?

    • Typically Beans runs and hides when he meets someone knew, but quickly warms up and is very affectionate.

  • Where is he from?

    • I found him in a car engine in Texas.

  • How did he get in the car engine?

    • I have no clue. I also don’t know why a 2 month old kitten would choose to hide in an engine, in May, in Texas.

A young black kitten with light green eyes lays on the back of a tan couch with a white wall behind him.
A young black kitten wearing a blue collar lays upside down on a humans lap. The human is scratching under the cats chin and wearing dark grey pants.
A black cat with light green eyes lays on his back with one paw up, cuddled up to a dogs grey paw.
A black cat with light green eyes is sitting in front of a white wall.
A black cat is walking through piles of sticks and dead leaves while wearing a red harness and black leash.
A black cat with light green eyes is laying on his side with his belly exposed on brown flooring.
A black cat with light green eyes lays on his side in a bed. He is wearing a rainbow bandana and is mid-yawn with his tongue out with his bottom canine teeth showing.
A black cat with light green eyes is standing on a brown wood floor wearing pastel pajamas.

Learn About the Rest of the Pack: